Flossing is a simple but essential habit that should not be overlooked in your daily oral care routine.
By incorporating regular flossing, you can effectively remove plaque, prevent gum disease, protect against cavities, and improve your overall oral and systemic health.
Floss at least once a day, preferably before bedtime, as consistency is key to reap the benefits of flossing.
Make it a non-negotiable part of your oral care routine and think of it this way; you wouldn’t have a shower and forget to clean your armpits! So why forget to clean in-between your teeth every time you brush?! Finally, If traditional flossing is challenging for you, explore alternative options such as floss picks, interdental brushes, or water flossers.
These tools can make flossing more accessible and enjoyable and once the routine is established, your teeth and gums will thank you with a healthier, brighter smile.